Monday, April 29, 2013

A Cord of Three Strands

Ecclesiastes 4:12

Though one may be overpowered,
two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Thirteen years ago today, I married the love of my life....but our story really began 7 years earlier in 1993.   
When I was in my teens, God placed wonderful mentors in my life who encouraged me to pray for my future spouse.  At the age of 14, I began to ask God to watch over and protect my future husband, to guide him into a personal relationship with Himself, and keep him pure for his future wife.

On a Fall evening in October of 1993, I first met Chris at a mutual friend's birthday party.  After an evening of fun and games, Chris asked me for my number.  I politely refused and told him that if he would like it, then he could come to a Young Life meeting on Monday night (a high school Christian group) and I would happily hand it over then.  The funny thing is, that in the eyes of society today, to refuse him may have seemed snobbish, conceited even.  He was not only the starting quarterback of our high school's football team, but he was also an intelligent and likeable guy.  I, while also an intelligent and talented young girl, was in the marching band (a band geek as some might say.)  The likelihood of us being a likely match was not, well.........likely.  (Yes, I did take a little heat from a cheerleader when she found out we were dating.....nyah, nyah, nyah!)

But that never mattered to either of us.  I think we both recognize that God had his hand on us from the start.  I was blessed to watch Chris, kneeling with a Christian mentor one night, give his life to the Lord two months after meeting him (an image that will burn beautifully in my mind for eternity.)  Then, after our wedding rehearsal, I, along with our closest friends and family, got to watch him be baptized.

We have moved well beyond the years of first crush feelings and college love notes sent across the distance and have entered into a new and better phase of our lives.  A phase where we understand that we will never fully be able to meet each others needs, and that we don't need to demand perfection of each other.  A phase where we have learned to give each other forgiveness and grace, as was given to us over 2,000 years ago.  On that day God not only gave us the ability to be with Him forever, but He also gave us the ability to thrive in our marriages.

As we have navigated the flood waters of infertility and adoption, God brought us closer together as a couple.  Even now, as we are figuring out how to parent our new family, we are again learning how important these lessons of forgiveness of self and each other are.  Twenty years ago God answered my prayers in ways I could never have foreseen.

Oh, and for those of you keeping track, Chris did show up to Young Life.  To this day, we still have the slip of paper with my number on it written in pink pen quickly scribbled at my car door.  Happy Anniversary my best friend, forever forgiver, and cherished husband.  I am so proud of the husband and father you have become and are becoming.  I look forward to what the next 13 years will hold for us.   


1 comment:

  1. Happy belated anniversary, you two! I'm honored to call you guys friends and I was honored 13 years ago to share in your special day. One thing I will always remember about your wedding: it wasn't just about the bride and groom. Yours was the first wedding where I really saw Jesus magnified and glorified. HE was center stage! Praise God for that! ♥
